Pavillons d’Octroi - Porte d’Anderlecht 1000 Brussels +32 (0)2 279 43 83

The Museum is closed

Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 a.m > 05.00 p.m

05.02.18 > 06.10.18
The mood of protest

Call for contributions and installation

A collection of photos of tags, graffiti and doodles from the toilets of bars or stations and other locations. Only the Sewer Museum could make create such an exhibit. Our “hidden corners” are one of the rare public spaces that escape general surveillance. It is therefore possible to express yourself anonymously, without censorship!

The paradox of “public toilets” lies in the two words which define them.
They are:

  • a space out of sight, where you are all alone…
  • but also a shared space that is used on a regular basis.

In 2018, what major trends were revealed by our most intimate moods? Find an overview of all the contributions in the video by Damien Petitot.

24.01 > 22.06
Photo exhibition: Shooting in the rain
More info
Museum Night Fever
More info


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The Museum is closed: In the event of heavy rain, for safety reasons, the Museum staff reserves the right to refuse access to the covered river and sewer.


Sewer Museum
Porte d’Anderlecht | Anderlechtsepoort
1000 Brussels
T. +32 (0)2 279 43 83

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How to arrive at the museum safely?

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